
Canning & Food Preservation

Date: Sept 25 - Sept 30, 2024
2022 "Best Of Show" Salsa
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Canning and Food Preservation Committee

(Includes Fresh Homemade Salsa Tasting, Homemade Wine, Home Brew, Flavored Oils and Herbal Vinegars Competitions)

CHAIR: Margie Erben, Canning and Food Preservation Committee

Co-Chair: Mandie Busselman, Homemade Wine, Flavored oils and Vinegars

Co-Chair: Abbey Batey, Fresh Salsa Tasting, Canning and Food Preservation Flavored Oils and Vinegars

All entries must be in PINT or QUART Ball. All Canning and Food Preservation entries must be preserved using the approved hot water method for food safety purposes. ONLY PINT AND QUART SIZES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Entries will be accepted between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Wednesday, September, 25th. Judging for canning and food preservation will take place on Wednesday, September, 25th, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

The screening committee and/or the Chairperson must accept all entries and their decisions are final.

All entries must be picked up on Sunday, September 29th, between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. or Monday, September 30th, between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon.

One exhibitor’s day admission pass will be given for each “quart-equivalent” entry accepted for canning and food preservation. (Example: 1 quart = 1 pass, 2 pints = 1 pass).1 pass for each homemade flavored oil, or homemade favored vinegar exhibit.

Rules for Canning and Food Preservation:

All entries for canning and food preservation must be in a standard canning jar, 1 pint or 1 quart canning jar, sealed and processed using the standard hot water canning process.

No paraffin seals are accepted.

No paraffin sealed products will be accepted for food safety reasons and due to extreme heat conditions in the exhibit halls. For food and safety sanitation, no items will be accpted that have not been canned using the hot water sealing process.

Seals, rings, and jars should be clean of labels, names and other markings. NO RUSTY SEALS OR RINGS WILL BE ACCEPTED. These entries will be disqualified for food safety and sanitation reasons. All home canned foods must have been prepared within the last calendar year (October 2023 – September 2024).


1. Color: Your canned product should look bright and clear in the jar.

2. Uniformity & Texture: The product in your jar should be nice and smooth. If you have canned a whole product, be sure the pieces are the same size. Jams and jellies should have no air bubbles throughout and no foam on top. Fruits and veggies should be free from blemishes.

3. Conditions of Jars: Rings and lids should be free from rust and clean from food products.

4. Liquid Level: All jars should be filled to the bottom lip (1 inch lip) of the jar.


A panel of judges will select the two best entries submitted by an adult for Fruit, Vegetable, Pickled Foods and Salsas, and Soft Spread categories.

1) Canning and Food Preservation Best of Show- Receive Trophy and Tri- Color Ribbon

2) Best Fruit (Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion)

1st Place receives trophy and tri- color

2nd place receives a tri color ribbon

youth will receive a tri-color ribbon

3) Best Pickled Foods

1st Place receives trophy and tri- color

2nd place receives a tri color ribbon

youth will receive a tri-color ribbon

4) Vegetable

1st Place receives trophy and tri- color

2nd place receives a tri color ribbon

youth will receive a tri-color ribbon

5) Best Soft Spread

1st Place receives trophy and tri- color

2nd place receives a tri color ribbon

youth will receive a tri-color ribbon


We encourage entries in the Youth Canning and Food Preservation Division from participants age 18 and under, but still enrolled in school. To win, entries must follow the same guidelines as adult entries listed above. We encourage families to cook and can together as a family project.

The Comal County Fair Association is not responsible for Breakage, Loss, Theft, or Damage to any Entry


2022 "Best Of Show" Salsa
Canning & Food Preservation
Sept 25, 2024 | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
enteries entered
2022 "Best Of Show" Salsa
Pick Up Items
Sept 29, 2024 | 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
2022 "Best Of Show" Salsa
Pick Up Items option 2
Sept 30, 2024 | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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